Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 wrap up

A productive year. Migrated over 30 websites to a new server and released our new WordPress theme. Gave a talk at WordCamp Sydney as well.

Graded to 2nd kyu brown belt in karate mid-year, Alex at the end of the year, both with distinction. Travelled to Finland, Denmark and Sweden for the first time and took my first dog and reindeer sled rides. Trips to Singapore, Malaysia, the Gold Coast, Canberra and Melbourne as well.

Watched two Harry Potter movies in concert and three Star Wars movies. Then there was The Rise of Skywalker at the cinema, including a midnight screening.

Walked the Relay for Life at Cronulla and my feet were in an awful state by the end, but we raised over the target for cancer research.

After all that I was absolutely exhausted by the middle of the year and now at the end as well. Achieved so much, but never really got a chance to celebrate it. Now, it doesn't feel like celebration time. Sydney has been smothered with smoke for two months now and there is no relief from the fires.

It's frightening to think about what the next decade will bring.

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