Friday, October 08, 2010

The future of Star Wars

Let me gaze into my crystal ball to the year 2020...
Marking the 100 year anniversary of Charlie Chaplin's silent movie, The Tramp, 2015 has seen a digitally remastered re-release of the movie in cinemas. With its new soundtrack recorded by a popular, but talentless, teen group the film is a critical and commercial success among an audience jaded by poor 3D movies.

Seeking to replicate The Tramp's success between 2016 and 2020 George Lucas rereleases all six Star Wars movies without dialogue and with the characters restored to their original colours (they were all turned blue for the Avatar inspired 3D rerelease a few years previously). Critics have rated the silent rerelease the best yet.

"Jar Jar Binks is actually watchable and Yoda is intelligible," says one critic, "but I missed R2-D2's beeps".

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