Saturday, August 18, 2018

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in Concert

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire marks the halfway point in the series and the first of the movies where John Williams was not responsible for the music. Instead Scottish composer Patrick Doyle takes the up the reins for his sole outing in the series.

I'm not particularly familiar with Doyle's body of work, Harry Potter and Thor being the only two soundtracks I have listened to. Both they and today's concert make me want to add to that collection.

Hamish McKeich continued on from the recent Empire Strikes Back concert conducting the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, this time as the Sydney Opera House. The performance was again fantastic with the only a tiny slip up by the brass at the very end of the titles, forgivable after the effort of the past couple of hours. The Durmstrang/Viktor Krum entrance theme was also lacking in power compared to the movie, though perhaps that was due to the lack of a choir and post recording processing.

I was seated seven rows back from the front of the stage which gave an exciting view of the amazing string performance and the conductor, though it did mean that I could see little of the rest of the orchestra. Most importantly, the sound there was great, both for the thrilling action and the haunting Harry in Winter theme.

I've already got my tickets for the rest of the series next year and I'm very much looking forward to them. What I hope won't be repeated is Sydney Trains' awful performance with long delays due to a system failure. Maybe it's better to ride a Nimbus 2000 instead.

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